Parabolan is known as Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. It is one of the most powerful muscle-building steroids available on the market. Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is an attached ester that releases in the first few days and declines over a few weeks. People generally administer Parabolan injection twice per week. It has a 5x higher anabolic and androgenic rating than testosterone.
It was first developed to treat medical conditions, and today they are highly used as a performance enhancement because it has potent effects on muscle building and strength gain. It can also add lean muscle mass growth. With these several positive effects, it has its downside too. Many people have reported adverse health issues while taking high doses. In this article, we will discuss Parabolan for bodybuilding in detail.
Define Parabolan Steroid
Parabolan steroid is officially known as Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. It is a potent performance-enhancing drug that has excellent muscle-building capacity. It can also enhance protein synthesis, which builds blocks of muscle tissues and also increase nitrogen retention, which can shield your body from the catabolism state.
This steroid is a Nandrolone-based compound that has similar effects to Trenbolone Acetate. The only difference is the attached ester. Parabolan comes with a slow-releasing and long-lasting attached ester which does not require frequent injections. You can find different steroid websites online that sell Parabolan steroids for sale.
A Parabolan cycle provides countless benefits and some disadvantages too. However, that depends on how you're consuming Parabolan steroids. Parabolan lacks estrogenic activity so it is one of the most favoured drugs among bodybuilders.
Moreover, it is a perfect steroid compound not only to achieve bulking goals but also to gain a better physique and strength, which you need for any competition.
Why Do Bodybuilders Use Parabolan Steroids?
It is a powerful anabolic androgenic steroid that has great muscle-building capacity. It has been popular since the 1970s. The original use of this drug is in veterinary medicine, and it was injected underneath the skin of cattle to grow muscles. It drags high attention of bodybuilders because they can achieve massive muscle mass growth without any water or fluid retention.
Another reason why people have fallen in love with this steroid is that it has unique properties with powerful benefits and also causes fewer side effects when you intake them properly. Most users consume Parabolan steroids with other anabolic steroids to get the benefits of all combining steroids in one cycle.
Is Parabolan Steroid Good For Muscle Building?
Parabolan steroids are simply best for muscle building. It has very strong anabolic and androgenic properties that precisely bind to the androgen receptors. The fantastic element of using this drug is that it prevents you from aromatizing effects, so people will not suffer any estrogenic side effects.
A correct dose and well-mannered Parabolan cycle can elevate muscle mass growth by increasing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. It can also retain muscle tissues during cutting cycles. The typical dosage range is between 50 mg to 100 mg every day, and the ideal cycle duration is for 12 weeks.
In addition, Parabolan can inhibit the creation of cortisol and straight through the glucocorticoid receptors. It can also burn extra calories and body fats while adding lean muscle mass growth during a cutting cycle. It has a powerful muscle-building capacity that helps you to achieve desired bulking goals.
What Are The Effects Of Parabolan Steroid?
Parabolan steroids can have both positive and negative effects. Depending on your intake, you’ll experience them. A well-mannered Parabolan cycle provides you huge muscle mass gain, better endurance level and also reduces body fats. It can enhance red blood cell production, protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and metabolism rate.
It can provide significant strength, energy and speed, which improve users’ overall physical performance. Moreover, it can also provide quick recovery from muscle cramps and injuries after a training workout. It can also increase feed efficiency and stimulate catabolic production.
Parabolan is no aromatase, so that it won’t convert testosterone into estrogen. Users can not face any severe estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia, water and fluid retention and bloating. Progesterone stimulates the estrogenic mechanism, which can, in turn, promote gynecomastia.
A random use and longer cycle of Parabolan steroid cause below mentioned side effects:
Androgenic effects
People can highly experience different androgenic conditions such as excess body hair growth, acne, oily skin, and male pattern baldness. However, all these depend on individual genetic tolerance levels.
Cardiovascular effects
It can negatively impact cholesterol levels as it suppresses the good cholesterol (HDL) and increases the bad cholesterol (LDL). It can also increase blood pressure which causes hypertension.
Testosterone suppression
Parabolan may suppress the natural testosterone production in the body. So, people may face different low testosterone symptoms during or after the cycle.
Response effects
It can impact on your mood and cause different mood disorders like anxiety, depression, insomnia, rapid heart rate and night sweating.
Parabolan Cycle Information
People need to perform Parabolan cycles based on their experience level. For example,
Parabolan Cycle For Novice Users
They can perform a 12 weeks cycle, and usually, they can stack it with testosterone to avoid testosterone suppression in the body. The below cycle is perfect for muscle mass gaining or bulking cycle, which promotes massive muscle mass growth.
- Cycle duration - 12 weeks
- Parabolan - 150 mg to 200 mg every week
- Testosterone cypionate - 500 mg every week
Parabolan Cycle For Intermediate Users
Parabolan steroid is not suited for intermediate users because it can consider running it for a 12-week extended cycle for bulking or cutting. When you use this steroid for cutting purposes, you can combine it with Winstrol to get a hard and dry physique. It can also provide a ripped appearance at the end of the cycle.
- Cycle duration: 12 weeks
- Parabolan: 300 mg every week
- Oral Winstrol: 50 mg every day for 6 weeks
- Testosterone: 100 mg every week
Parabolan Cycle For Advanced Users
Advanced-level users can perform hardcore steroids to get effective results. The addition of a powerful steroid compound can help you to gain the maximum amount of muscle mass gain. The below cycle is the most potent bulking stack cycle:
- Cycle duration: 14 weeks
- Parabolan: 350 mg every week
- Dianabol: 25 mg every day for 6 weeks
- Equipoise: 350 mg every week
- Testosterone: 100 mg every week
Parabolan is banned in many countries, so Parabolan online is the easiest way to buy them.

An example of a lean mass gain pack (ORAL-INJECT) - DIANABOL + TEST E + TRI-TREN (10 weeks) Pharmaqo Labs.
Parabolan is a potent and highly popular anabolic androgenic steroid that has excellent effects on muscle building, body fat reduction and higher strength gain. It is a versatile steroid that is used for bulking and cutting cycles. It can improve overall physical performance, which enhances users' athletic performance.
It is essential to use a correct dose and cycle duration of Parabolan because random use can cause different adverse side effects that affect your overall health.
If you don’t know how to perform the Parabolan stack cycle, then take freecycle advice from bodybuilder experts.