Differences Between The Trenbolone Esters
All this talk about “enanthates” and “acetates” is probably getting a little confusing. We’ll try to clear it all up for you so that you can fully understand precisely what makes these trenbolone varieties different.
An “acetate” or “enanthate” (or even hexahydrobenzylcarbonate as per parabolan) is a type of ester.
Esters are used within many substances (everything from food to cosmetics and in this instance, pharmaceuticals) to affect the manner in which they take shape or are “constituted”.
This in itself may sound a little complex, so the easiest way to describe the function of an ester in relation to trenbolone is that the ester type attached to trenbolone is going to determine whether it is “thicker” or “thinner” in consistency.
This reflects the difference between (for instance) water soluble items, cooking oils and hard fats - they all contain esters, but the nature of the esters they contain determines how “thick” or “dense” they are.
Typically, a “thin” substance will contain shorter esters, whereas a “thick” substance will contain longer esters.
Trenbolone variants contain either one of these ester types or several depending on the variety we are studying. The best suppliers have them all, and all of the highest concentration and purity possible - for instance, Prime Pharma do, with their Trenbolone Acetate 100, Trenbolone Enanthate 200 and Trenbolone Mix 150 (acetate + enanthate + hexahydrobenzylcarbonate).
We’ll now go through the different forms of trenbolone and explain what type of ester is attached to them, and how that affects the manner in which they function.
We’ll also give you a realistic analysis of their detection times and half-life within the system to assist you with any tests you may have coming up in the not too distant future.
Trenbolone Acetate
The acetate ester attached to this version of trenbolone is the shortest of all the esters found in the trenbolone variations.
This shorter ester means that the acetate variant only lasts for roughly 24 hours within the body, thus requiring daily administration.
Being that the active “content” of the acetate variant yields roughly 20% more active product over the enanthate version, this means that it must be administered in a smaller overall quantity over the course of a week.
The detection time of this particular variant is roughly 5 months.
Trenbolone Enanthate
This version of trenbolone is a completely “original” piece of work, bred by underground laboratories out of the need for a wider variety of human grade trenbolone options.
What makes this version unique (other than its origins) is the fact that it features the enanthate ester (the exact same type as found attached to testosterone when observing the testosterone enanthate variant.)
This gives it a “digestion” time (or half-life) within the system of roughly 8-10 days. In terms of convenience, this is fantastic as it means you only have to administer it once per week.
The detection time of this product is 5 months (as per trenbolone acetate) - this is something you’ll need to keep in mind if you’re competing at a professional level.
Owing to the fact that enanthate contains roughly 20% less of the “active” trenbolone compound per mg when compared to the acetate version, this means you’ll have to administer it in a slightly higher dosage quantity.
We’ll provide dosage / cycle information shortly.
Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (parabolan)
What makes parabolan distinct from the other two varieties of trenbolone on offer is the addition of the cyclohexylmethylcarbonate ester (this is simply another name for the “hexa” ester mentioned above.)
The stated half-life for parabolan is 10-14 days. As a result, this means it only needs to be administered once per week as per the enanthate version.
Detection time for this product is still within the 5 month range - any tests performed before the end of this period are likely to come back as positive.
Due to the longer release time for para, it has a lower concentration of trenbolone than enanthate with roughly 65 mg per vial of active compound. This is in fitting with its longer release time, as it leads to a “safer” sustained integration into the system.
This variant of trenbolone is often compared to deca durabolin (nandrolone) as they are both 19-Nor steroids. Other than the fact they are “brothers” though - are there any other similarities?
Both compounds are actually known for providing lean tissue gains, though deca is more of a “wet” bulker (as previously mentioned) whereas tren is definitely a “dry” gainer.
You’ll without doubt gain more overall mass on deca (especially when it is used as part of a cycle with the likes of dianabol) though it will be of a “dirtier” variety to trenbolone.
Aside from this comparison, you’ll find that deca offers benefits in regards to joint protection as a result of the added water it causes the body to retain - this is one of the only instances where fluid retention can be beneficial.
Added water can help to lubricate the joints during periods of high strain (off-season training for example) meaning that recovery can take place at a more optimal level.
Additionally, the risk of adverse issues arising whilst using deca is far less than that of trenbolone. This is advantageous in its own right.
When observing the unique traits of deca it’s fairly obvious that this substance is going to be far better suited to an off-season cycle.
Trenbolone is dexterous enough to be included in either cycle phase, but it isn’t going to provide the off-season “impact” that deca can. You should consider your goals carefully before you look for parabolan for sale, as it may be that deca or any other compound suit your needs better.
Don’t believe everything you read…
Whilst we have provided you with a comprehensive overview of the respective half-lives for each version of trenbolone, these time frames are speculative and based primarily on scientific “theory” as a result of their individual esters.
It’s absolutely true that the compounds will remain “active” in your system for the time frames specified, but “active” is different to “optimum.”