Bodybuilders and athletes use Anabolic steroids to grow their muscle mass and improve their stamina, energy and performance levels. But many doctors prescribe anabolic steroids to treat people who are suffering from low testosterone levels. So, what is the basic difference between both of them? In this article, we will look at anabolic steroids and testosterone and also discuss whether they are the same thing or not!
Testosterone is a hormone that is naturally produced in the human body, especially in men. Women do have a very low amount of testosterone. Lower testosterone can cause various side effects such as loss of sex drive, fatigue, loss of muscle tissue and many more. All of these can be treated with synthetic testosterone. Anabolic steroids are drugs related to testosterone. Using anabolic steroids or synthetic testosterone may help people who are suffering from wasting gain weight, HIV, and muscle mass.
What Are Anabolic Steroids?
Anabolic steroids are human-made compounds that resemble natural testosterone. Anabolic steroids are also referred to as anabolic-androgenic steroids. When you intake anabolic steroids, it changes testosterone molecules to change the balance of anabolic and androgenic effects, which increases your testosterone level. That will allow you to build stronger and bigger muscle mass.

To build stronger and bigger muscle mass.
What Is Testosterone?
Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for male characteristics changes. Testosterone has two main effects on the body:q
- Anabolic effects which promote muscle building and growth
- Androgenic effects develop the male characteristics such as facial hair, deeper voice and sex organs.
A good testosterone level can give you several benefits, and a lower testosterone level can cause various side effects that affect your health.
How Do Anabolic Steroids Work?
Anabolic steroids come in two forms:
- Oral steroids that are available in pills, capsule, and tablets
- Injectable steroids that are available in injections
Anabolic steroids are also available in cream or gel. When you intake them, they work by binding to androgen receptors in the brain, just like natural testosterone does. It increases red blood cell counts, regulates the pathways that determine male characteristics, and activates cells that produce the proteins that build muscle fibers and tissues. This can increase muscle growth.
Medical Use For Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroids are used or prescribed for several medical treatments as mentioned below:
Delayed puberty
The boys who haven’t gone through puberty at a certain age, Doctor’s prescribe them testosterone injections. Testosterone boosts their sexual maturity and growth.
Muscle loss during a severe medical condition such as Cancer and HIV
Doctors prescribe anabolic steroids to patients who are experiencing muscle wasting related to their illnesses.
Asthma or Breast Cancer
Anabolic steroids are also useful to treat people who are suffering from severe medical conditions like asthma and women who are suffering from breast cancer.
Hormone condition like hypogonadism (low testosterone)
If you suffer from lower testosterone level, Doctors may prescribe testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) which is a safe and natural way to increase testosterone level.
Abuse Of Anabolic Steroids
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association published paper, 2.9 to 4 million Americans and 20% of teenagers have used anabolic steroids. And nearly one million men have become dependent on steroids. There are three common ways to abuse anabolic steroids:
Cycling is a process in which steroids users take steroids with smaller doses and increase them for a particular time period. Usually, steroids cycle 6 to 12 weeks. After that, you can take a break then again resume steroids use. The cycling process encourages the body to make your testosterone naturally and helps to avoid various side effects or health damage.
When users intake two or more steroids together, it is called stacking. Bodybuilders and athletes mostly prefer this method because it gives you the best results in steroids bulking and cutting programs. Stacking always helps you to boost your desired results. To get the best results, you need to choose the right steroids for stacking if you choose a typical stack that may also cause adverse side effects.
In this process, users start the anabolic steroids cycle with a lower dose and gradually increase them to the maximum steroids doses at the mid of cycles and then again step back to lower doses at the end of the cycle. This will make your body more stable and avoid various side effects.
Note : There is no scientific proof that all the above techniques work as they are intended for the body from the various side effects of steroids. As we know, if you use Anabolic steroids randomly, it may cause various side effects. Let’s check them out.
Is Testosterone a Steroid?
Steroids users and the drugs that are used for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are pretty similar. Both of them contain the form of testosterone. TRT doses are used to keep your testosterone levels in the normal range, whereas Steroids are used to push you into the supra-physiological range of testosterone. That is higher levels than you could produce them naturally. In most cases, TRT and Steroids are used for physique enhancement or performance.
Anabolic steroids use is not done under the supervision of a doctor. Many bodybuilders, weightlifters, and athletes use anabolic steroids to improve their physical appearance and improve their performance. While TRT is done under the supervision of a doctor. TRT and steroids both of them carry various side effects if you don’t intake them properly.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy is one of the safe and natural methods used to treat people suffering from low testosterone levels. Testosterone replacement therapy increases the quality of life of those with low testosterone.
If you have decided to perform the steroids cycle and need any advice on how to start or which steroids are the best for you to achieve your goal, you can contact our coaching experts, and get the right guidance from them.